Fourth Annual Guns vs. Hoses Tournament


The Fourth Annual Guns vs. Hoses Tournament will take place June 21-25, 2016, at Redeemer Park and Wine Cellar Park. This is a charity tournament. Proceeds from entry fees will benefit Peace Officer Ministries and the Autism Society.

Players will compete in teams of four plus one optional alternate. A putting and mid-range competition will take place on Tuesday, June 21, at Redeemer. A driving competition will take place on Thursday, June 23, at Wine Cellar. Teams will compete in a team play tournament during the weekend starting Saturday, June 25.

Note that this tournament coincides with the Second Annual Kanawha Valley PDGA Regional, a B-tier tournament. Players who are registered for the PDGA Regional can participate in the Guns vs. Hoses charity tournament free-of-charge.

If you are traveling to the Charleston area from out-of-town for the tournament, then you will have the option of completing the skills competition portion of the event on Saturday.

For more information and online registration, visit the tournament’s page at The Disc Golf Scene.

2016 Guns V Hoses Flyer