The club is hosting a casual weekly round for club members and new players alike. This league runs March 15, 2016, through October 25, 2016.
Teams are determined each round by random draw. Typically, the doubles format played will be “best disc.” However, we will occasionally mix things up by playing an alternate format such as “worst disc.”
After each round, each player is awarded a point total that is determined by the number of teams that his or her team has beaten that round. Overall league standings are determined by total points accumulated during the season in this way.
There is no fee to play, but there are two optional ace pools. There is a $100 pool with a $1 entry, and there is a $200 pool that has a $2 entry. If you pay into an ace pool and get an ace during the round, then you collect the pot. Players may not enter more than one ace pool per round.
Prior to each round and after all ace pool entries have been collected, a random draw determines which hole (out of a list of three designated holes per course) will award a doubled payout for aces during that round. For example, if Hole 4 has been drawn prior to a round and a player who paid $2 aces Hole 4, then that player will receive a $400 payout. However, if that player aces any other hole instead, then he or she receives a $200 payout.
Rounds will be held on a rotating schedule among Redeemer, Little Creek, Wine Cellar, St. Albans, and Coonskin. Refer to the league’s page at The Disc Golf Scene for the schedule and standings. The club’s Facebook page often has announcements regarding this league and others, as well. Note that this league’s rounds are held on Tuesdays, but start times change throughout the year according to sunset times.